10 Strategies for Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem 2023

Building self-confidence and self-esteem is an important part of living a happy, healthy life.

You can build these qualities through positive thinking and healthy habits, but sometimes it takes time for us to change our behavior and beliefs about ourselves.

So here are some strategies that will help:

1. Challenge Negative Self-Talk and Limiting Beliefs

Negative self-talk is something that all of us struggle with, but it’s especially bad for people with anxiety.

When we’re anxious and worried about something, it can be really hard to stop yourself from beating yourself up about the situation or what might happen next.

But there are ways around this! In this post, I’ll explain how to beat your own negative thoughts and how to change them into something more optimistic and productive.

Beating Yourself Up About Your Past

The past is in the past, and it’s not a predictor of your future.

It may feel like you’re beating yourself up over something that happened years ago, but this just isn’t true.

Your life is what you make of it now—not what happened before or after.

The truth is that if someone came along who was exactly like you and had all the same experiences as you did at that moment in time (but didn’t know any better), they’d probably feel exactly like how I do when I hear myself talk negatively about my past: “I’m so stupid!”

That said, there are times when it’s okay (and even necessary) to be aware of our negative self-talk or limiting beliefs about ourselves so we can take steps toward changing them for good!

Beating Yourself Up About Your Present

It’s easy to talk yourself into believing that you’re not good enough, and this can lead to procrastination.

You might tell yourself: “I’m not good at this.” or “I don’t know what I’m doing.” The truth is, we all have room for improvement in our lives—we’re all human! But when we start beating ourselves up about our present situation, it can be harmful.

The more negative self-talk you have about your present circumstances, the harder it will be for you to make progress on your goals. If there are things in life that are already difficult for us or beyond our control (like job loss or family illness), then those thoughts will probably lead us towards feelings of pessimism and hopelessness instead of optimism and determination.

This can mean lower self-esteem as well as depression due to lack of motivation which could prevent people from achieving their dreams even though they really want them too!

Beating Yourself Up About Your Future

You can’t control the future.

You can’t change what you don’t know.

And while it’s tempting to focus on things that have already happened, or are out of your control, keep in mind that these things don’t matter as much as they seem to do right now—because they aren’t going to happen anyway!

The best way to beat yourself up about your future is not by judging yourself harshly for being unprepared or making mistakes along the way; rather, it’s by focusing on the present moment and not worrying about what could go wrong later than it already has…or couldn’t be helped if it did!

Identify the Negative Self-Talk and Tackle It Head On

You can’t control what other people say or do.

All you can do is decide how you will respond to those events.

You may have heard of a concept called “the “inner game” of your life, and it’s true: we all have our own inner games that play out in our heads when something goes wrong or doesn’t go as planned.

Negative self-talk happens when we tell ourselves things like: “I’m not good enough” or “I’m unlovable.” These kinds of negative thoughts are often paired with limiting beliefs like: “I’ll never succeed,” or even just not believing in yourself at all!

It’s important to realize that these types of negative self-talk and limiting beliefs aren’t always as obvious as they seem (they’re usually hidden deep inside), so try this exercise: identify your negative thoughts and beliefs by asking yourself questions like:

Where did they come from?

How long have I had them?

Do I still believe them today?

If not now then how do I feel about myself right now?

Have a goal to work towards, and work towards it

There are many ways to set goals, but here are two of the most popular:

  • Break your goal into chunks. For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months, break that down into one-pound increments (1 lb lost per month). This is also a great way to see how far along you are on your journey when comparing different goals within the same timeframe!
  • Set realistic expectations for yourself so that it doesn’t feel like an insurmountable task. For example: “I will lose 5 pounds by January 1st” rather than “I will lose 15 lbs before June 1st.” It might seem smaller at first glance but since there are only 365 days in a year…it could still happen!

If you are serious about your goals, then you need to stop beating yourself up about the past, present and future.

Instead of wasting time on negative self-talk, focus on achieving your goal.

2. Set Goals and Take Action

When setting goals, it is important to make sure that they are realistic.

Your goal should be challenging but achievable.

For example, if you want to lose 10 pounds in six months and your weight today is 200 pounds, then it would be unrealistic for you to set a goal of losing 20 pounds by next week (even if this was possible).

Instead, consider setting a realistic goal like losing 5 pounds per month until your goal weight is reached or achieved at which point another smaller (or larger) step can be taken toward reaching the larger goal.

Setting goals can also help keep us on track with our own personal development as well as our professional lives by giving us something specific we need to focus on each day so that we don’t get too far off track during busy days when there’s less time available for self-reflection or reflection on others’ perspectives regarding work/life balance issues etc.

There are many ways to build self-confidence and self-esteem, but the most important thing is to keep at it. You may not get it right the first time, but don’t give up! Keep setting goals for yourself, taking action toward them even if it’s just a small step, and being kind to yourself when you make mistakes or encounter difficulty with your plan.

3. Practice Self-Care and Healthy Habits

The best way to build self-confidence and self-esteem is to practice healthy habits that will make you feel good about yourself and the choices you make in life.(1)

Here are some tips for building self-confidence:

Don’t be hard on yourself

When you make mistakes and mess up, it’s important to remember that everyone does this. It’s part of growing up and learning from your experiences.

When you feel bad about yourself because of a mistake, let go of the negative thoughts by reminding yourself that everyone makes mistakes—including the people around you! Remember that everyone has strengths as well as weaknesses; focusing on your strengths will help build self-confidence in any situation.

Be kind to yourself

Don’t be hard on yourself, and don’t be too hard on yourself, either (because sometimes it’s good to take a break from being perfect).

It’s okay if you mess up once in awhile—everyone has done it!

Don’t be too harsh on yourself when you do make mistakes or have negative thoughts about your self-confidence level; instead focus on what motivates you and inspires confidence in the future: having a goal that will help make up for any past failures/mistakes or give something positive back into your life that wasn’t there before (and maybe even become more successful!).

Say no when you should.

One of the most important things you can do for your self-confidence is to say no when you should.

  • Don’t feel obligated to do something that makes you uncomfortable or unhappy.
  • Don’t feel guilty about saying no, even if others think it’s rude or disrespectful; they may not understand why it is important for you not to do something, but they’ll respect your decision regardless!
  • If someone asks if they can borrow your car keys, say “no” even if they seem upset by the answer—they’ll get over their disappointment soon enough anyway since there are plenty of other ways in which people may be able help find something similar without needing any assistance from yours truly (such as calling up friends/family members who might have one lying around).

Have faith in yourself

Trust your instincts, be confident and know that you can do it!

If you have a good idea for something, then go ahead and make it happen! You might not always be able to see the results immediately but they will come eventually.

Do something you love every day

One of the best ways to build self-confidence and self-esteem is by doing something you love every day.

It can be anything that makes you feel good, as long as it doesn’t cost money or take up too much of your time. You don’t need to do anything too big, just something that makes you smile when you think about it.

For example, if I was feeling down one day and needed a boost of confidence (which happens often), I might go out for coffee with my friend who is also an entrepreneur and run my fingers through her hair while we talk about business ideas over lattes in Starbucks!

Or maybe even try out some new yoga poses at home in bed while watching Netflix documentaries on health benefits related topics such as meditation techniques; these options would help me both physically as well as mentally since they provide opportunities for relaxation which ultimately leads back into improving our mental health overall!

Eat well and exercise every day

Eating well is important because it gives you energy, keeps you healthy and able to perform at your best, and helps keep stress levels down.

Eating healthy foods will also help build a strong immune system so that illnesses can be avoided.

Exercise is an essential part of building self-confidence and self-esteem because it gives us endorphins (the feel-good chemicals produced by exercising) which make us happier!

Self-care is an important part of building self-confidence and self-esteem

Self-care is an important part of building self-confidence and self-esteem. It can help you feel better about yourself, which will make it easier to be confident in yourself.

It’s also a great way to build motivation for doing things that are important for your happiness and well-being.

For example, if you have a stressful job or relationship, taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep and eating nutritious meals will help reduce stress levels and promote positive feelings towards yourself (and others).

We hope you’ve learned a lot about self-care and healthy habits, and that we’ve given you some ideas to implement in your life.

It is up to each of us to build our own sense of self-worth by getting rid of negative influences in our lives.

4. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

The more you surround yourself with positive influences, the more likely it is that you’ll have a strong support system and feel good about yourself.

This in turn can help boost your confidence–and others’ too!

Here are some ways to build self-confidence by engaging with positive people:

Engage in positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk is a key part of building confidence and self-esteem.

When you talk to yourself in a positive way, it can help boost your mood, increase your sense of accomplishment and even make it easier for you to get what you want.

Positive self-talk can also be an effective tool for achieving goals.

If you have set some big goals for yourself but aren’t feeling confident about them, try using some positive affirmations as reminders that the work is well underway toward reaching those milestones—and then share these thoughts with others who might be able to inspire or encourage them as well!

Avoid negative people

Negative people can be draining and take a lot out of you, so don’t spend time with them. If you are around negative people, try to avoid them as much as possible and never listen to their negativity in conversation.

When someone says something negative about yourself or your work, don’t allow it get into your head – speak up!

The best way to avoid taking things personally is by setting boundaries around who has access to you and what information they have access too.

You can also set boundaries within the workplace by asking questions such as “how do I know this?” or “is there any way we could discuss this?”.

This will help build trust between colleagues at work so that they know where each other stands when it comes down to discussing sensitive topics like gender equality in the workplace

Cultivate a strong support system

You need to surround yourself with positive influences in order to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

The more people who are encouraging, supportive and empowering for you, the better!

You should also make sure that your support system does not include someone who is negative or discouraging.

This can be difficult because there are many people around us who will try to push us into doing something we don’t want to do or feel like we don’t deserve getting away from them as quickly as possible (for example: “don’t worry about getting hurt; everything will work out fine!”).

Some of these people may even go so far as telling us lies about ourselves like “everyone else thinks this way too… so stop worrying about it.”

Find someone who inspires you, and engage with him or her often

Find someone who inspires you.

Engage with him or her often.

Ask questions and listen to their answers.

Ask for advice and listen to their advice.

Ask for feedback, and listen to their feedback on how you can improve yourself in different areas of life (e.g., work).

If someone says “yes” when asked if he/she would help you out with something specific in your life, then ask them!

Positive influences can help build your self-confidence

The people around you can be your biggest source of positive influences.

If you surround yourself with the right people and listening to the right things, it’s possible that they’ll help build your self-confidence and self-esteem.

If your friend is always telling jokes but doesn’t laugh at them, then he may not be a good influence on how confident or happy you are feeling.

Likewise, if someone constantly tells stories about how they accomplished something amazing while everyone else failed miserably… well… that’s not really going to inspire confidence in anyone!

Positive influences can come from any area of life—a teacher who encourages learning; parents who set high standards for their children; coworkers who give support at work; friends who make time for each other outside of work hours (etc.)

Remember, it’s important to surround yourself with positive influences so that they can help you achieve the goals you set for yourself.

5. Celebrate Your Successes and Learn from Failures

We all make mistakes. And we all have successes in our lives.

But one of the biggest challenges is not celebrating the former and learning from the latter. In order to become more self-confident, it’s important to learn from our failures and celebrate them too!

Here are some tips on how to do just that:

You can’t control what happens, but you can control how you react

You can’t change the past, but you can change the future.

You can’t control other people, but you can control yourself.

You can’t control the weather or your attitude or even your health if it means that your happiness depends on something outside of yourself!

Feel the emotions

You may be wondering how to feel your emotions.

The answer is: don’t do anything about them.

Don’t try to push them away, ignore them or avoid them. Instead of avoiding the emotions themselves, use your awareness of these feelings as a way of learning more about yourself and using that knowledge in a way that can help you become a better person overall.

When we experience strong negative emotions such as fear or anger (or even boredom), our first instinct is often to want to get rid of those feelings as quickly as possible but this only leads us back down the path towards feeling worse than ever before! Instead of trying so hard not feel something at all.

Just notice that there’s an emotion happening right now without judging it harshly; allow yourself time before reacting emotionally or taking action on impulse.

Celebrate your successes!

Celebrate your successes! Even if it’s just a small accomplishment, celebrate it!

  • Celebrate with friends and family. They are the people who love you and care about you, so they will be happy for you regardless of what happens in life.
  • Do something that makes you happy—like going out to eat with friends or buying yourself flowers (or both!).
  • If there’s something expensive that would make someone happy, buy that thing for yourself as an experiment: Will this give me more confidence?

6. Develop a Growth Mindset and Embrace Learning

A growth mindset is a way of thinking about yourself and your abilities.

It’s the belief that you can grow, develop, and change as a person.

A growth mindset helps us overcome obstacles by developing our confidence in our abilities and learning from them; it also helps lead to success in life!

Learn Your Way to a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset is about believing that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts.

It’s also about being motivated to stretch yourself and keep learning, so that you can see the potential in yourself.

For example, if someone lacks confidence in their abilities as a singer or dancer, they might believe this means they aren’t good at those things—they just don’t have what it takes.

But if someone has a growth mindset and learns how to sing or dance better, then they’ll feel more confident about their skills as well.

Find Your Passion and Pursue Your Passion

  • Find something you love to do.
  • Find a way to turn your passion into a career.
  • Don’t be afraid to try new things!

You Don’t Have to Be Perfect to Be Successful

This is a common mistake people make when they’re trying to build their confidence and self-esteem.

They think that if they do everything perfectly, then they’ll automatically become successful—but this isn’t true!

Successful people learn from their mistakes, so it’s important for you not only recognize your own flaws but also recognize the mistakes of others who may seem more confident than you are right now (and likely will continue being successful).

The more frequently we make mistakes, the better equipped we’ll be at recognizing them and learning from them as we grow into our own identities as individuals with unique skillsets and perspectives on life experience which can only come through realigning ourselves with our own limitations rather than those of others’ expectations or definitions of success

Make a Commitment to Yourself

How do you make a commitment? By making sure that you have the resources and support that you need to succeed, as well as the time and energy required for learning.

This can be done by setting aside time each day or week when you will focus on self-improvement or personal growth goals, like improving your writing skills or learning how to play an instrument.

Take Responsibility for Your Life and What Happens In It

  • Take responsibility for your own actions.
  • Take responsibility for your own happiness.
  • Take responsibility for your own success and failure, so that you can always be positive about what happens in life, even when things are not going well or they don’t go as planned!

A growth mindset can help you overcome obstacles, develop your confidence and self-esteem, and find success in life!

The growth mindset is a belief that your abilities, intelligence, and skills can be developed through dedication and hard work.

It’s the opposite of a fixed mindset, which is the belief that you’re born with certain qualities and they can’t be changed.

In order to develop your growth mindset, it’s important to embrace learning for building self-confidence and self-esteem.

When we learn something new, our brains are rewiring themselves in such a way that we begin developing new neural pathways between neurons (nerve cells) within our brains—and this means more efficient communication between these neurons!

In other words: when you learn something new or practice it regularly enough over time…you’ll start seeing changes in how easily information flows through your brain!

So what’s the best way to develop your growth mindset?

By making a commitment to yourself and taking responsibility for your life.

You should also learn about how the mind works, so that you can better understand why people say negative things about you when they are in a bad mood or just not being nice (or mean).

This will help prepare you for future situations where this might happen again.

7. Use Visualization and Affirmations

Visualization is a powerful technique that can be used to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

Visualization involves creating a mental image of yourself achieving your goals, which can improve your confidence and help you reach them.

Visualization helps people to create a mental image of a desired reality

Visualization is a key part of the visualization process.

You use your imagination to create a mental image of a desired reality, and then you practice behaviors that will help you achieve this goal.

It’s important to note that visualization isn’t just about visualization; it includes affirmations as well.

Visualization helps people to create a mental image of a desired reality.

It can be used for anything from achieving personal goals like losing weight or improving your grades in school, all the way up through working out at home or learning how to dance like Beyoncé!

Visualization is a key part of the visualization process

Visualization is a key part of the visualization process. It helps you to create a mental image of a desired reality, which can be used as a form of hypnosis for self-confidence and self-esteem building.

Visualization involves imagining yourself in various situations, such as:

  • Being successful at work or school
  • Having more money or being healthier
  • Living in an ideal home with all the amenities you desire

Visualization is about creating an image in your mind that makes something feel more real to you than it does now.

You focus on what makes this image seem possible or likely, then repeat those thoughts over and over again until they become ingrained in your subconscious mind (the part of our brains where we store information).

This process will make sure that when the time comes for action, everything will be easier!

Affirmations are statements that help people shape their thinking, beliefs and behavior

Affirmations are positive statements that help people shape their thinking, beliefs and behavior. They are used by many people to improve their self-confidence and build a more positive outlook on life.

Affirmations can be written down, spoken, or even sung.

The key is for them to be specific, believable and positive.

For example: “I am confident in my abilities” would be an affirmation rather than just saying “I am confident” because it allows you to state why you are confident in your abilities (e.g., because I have done well at school).

Affirmations can be used in a variety of ways

Affirmations can be used in a variety of ways. They can help you achieve your goals, overcome challenges and improve your relationships with others.

The purpose of affirmations is to change negative thoughts into positive ones through repetition.

By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it creates a feeling of being more confident or happy about yourself.

For example: “I am successful” will eventually lead you to feeling successful because when you say it often enough, the subconscious mind hears what we are saying (and not just one time) and accepts that belief as truth by creating new neural pathways between brain cells which then forms new habits resulting in long-term changes in behavior patterns such as self-esteem building up slowly over time instead of overnight miracles like changing careers or getting married suddenly overnight without any prior experience under our belts!

We’ve covered some of the basics of visualization and affirmations. We have three simple steps that will help you take advantage of these powerful self-confidence techniques:

First, find something that inspires you—a goal or dream that you want to achieve.

Then, create an image in your mind of what this ideal reality looks like; this is the first step toward creating a mental map for yourself.

Finally, use affirmations as much as possible during this process: repeat back to yourself over and over again until they become part of who you are at heart!

8. Cultivate Gratitude and Positive Thinking

Gratitude is an amazing tool for building confidence and self-esteem.

When you think about all the things you have, it’s easy to feel like we don’t deserve anything good in life.

But when we focus on what we do have, it changes our perspective on our lives and makes us more grateful for what we already have.

Gratitude is a powerful tool

Gratitude is a powerful tool. It can help you to build self-confidence and self-esteem, which are essential for building happiness.

In fact, gratitude research has found that people who are grateful are more likely to feel positive emotions like joy, happiness and contentment than those who are not. And if you’re confident in your abilities to do something then it will be easier for you to achieve those things!

5 ways to cultivate gratitude

  • Take time to think about what you are grateful for
  • Write a gratitude list
  • Share your gratitude with others
  • Express gratitude to others (e.g., family, friends) and yourself
  • Think of the ways that you are grateful for your life

Cultivate positive thinking

Positive thinking is the most important tool of all when it comes to developing a strong sense of self-confidence and self-esteem.

If you focus on the things that you are grateful for, your life will begin to look different than it did before.

You will notice more good things in your life, whether they be material possessions or relationships with other people.

Think about what makes you happy, then let go of all other thoughts until only those positive feelings remain inside your mind.

Then think again: What do I have that makes me feel truly happy? Try not to focus on anything negative!

If there is something specific in this moment that brings joy into my life right now—a loved one who supports me; a job I love doing; food on my plate—then those are all things worth being thankful for!

9. Be Authentic and True to Yourself

I’m not a fan of the “fake it till you make it” advice.

I think that if you’re going to try something new, you need to be authentic and true to yourself in order to have success.

That doesn’t mean you have to change who you are it just means that when making decisions about what path your life will take, make sure they’re based on your passions and dreams rather than others’ expectations or desires.

Be yourself

One of the most important things you can do to build self-confidence and self-esteem is to be authentic and true to yourself.

You should be who you are, not what other people want you to be.

It’s important that people see through your façade so that they can tell when something is off about their relationship with you and then they will know when it’s time for them to move on from their friendship or working relationship with you.

It’s also important not try too hard at being someone else than who we really are; if this happens, then our inner voices won’t feel heard or validated which leads us into feeling like we’re not good enough as individuals because society tells us otherwise (which isn’t true).

Tell the truth even if it hurts

If you’re not sure what to say, or how to say it, try these tips:

Be honest but not rude.

It may be tempting to lie when you don’t know what to say because of embarrassment or fear of hurting someone’s feelings.

But being rude is just as bad as telling an outright lie if not worse!

Remember that honesty is always better than a half-truth or outright deception.

You’ll feel better in the long run by staying true to yourself and being honest with yourself first before opening up about anything else on your mind with others.

Do what you love, not what others tell you to do

The most important thing you can do for your self-confidence is to do what you love. If you’re struggling with this, then ask yourself why?

Why do I feel like doing what I love means I won’t be successful?

Why am I afraid of failing at something that brings me joy and fulfillment?

If the answer isn’t obvious, take some time to reflect on why this might be true for you.

Go through all the reasons why pursuing a career path that aligns with your passions would cause more trouble than good for the people around you (including yourself).

Don’t let anyone else’s opinion define who or what makes sense for YOU!

Go after your dreams

Dreams are not just for kids.

You can’t always get what you want, but you can try.

If you don’t go after your dreams, then for sure there will be no chance of success and fulfillment in life.

You may have heard this before: “Go after your dreams.” But why?

How does that work? And more importantly: how do I know if my dream is worth pursuing or not?

Try new things

Even if you are not sure you will like them, try new things with a friend or family member.

You can even do this alone if you want to!

Try going to an art museum, seeing a play on Broadway or watching an independent film that has never been in your local theater before.

Being yourself also means standing out from the crowd: standing out isn’t always easy for everyone (our society has trained us since childhood not to do so), but it’s necessary if we want our lives to be truly satisfying and meaningful ones!

If we don’t stand out somehow during our lives then what kind of message does society have for us? How will people perceive themselves if all their interactions are based on conformity rather than individuality?

The answer might surprise some readers: no one wants others telling them what kind of person they should become before growing up fully into adulthood!

Finally: don’t be afraid of making mistakes! We all make mistakes along our journey towards becoming more confident individuals because this is part of learning how best navigate through life without allowing fear dictate decisions made by others around us whether within family members.

10. Embrace Your Unique Strengths and Talents

You have unique strengths and talents that can help you build self-confidence.

When we think about our own uniqueness, we often overlook it because we’re too busy focusing on our weaknesses; however, if we embrace these natural abilities then they will become a huge asset in helping us become more confident individuals who are able to succeed in life.

We all have our unique strengths and talents, but it’s important to know how to use them for building self-confidence.

When you’re self-confident, you’ll be able to take on new challenges and look for ways to make your life better.

The best way to increase your confidence is by doing the things that make you happy so embrace those personal interests and hobbies!


Self-confidence is a trait that is essential to our success in life. It allows us to be open, honest and willing to take on new challenges. Self-esteem, on the other hand, is a much more personal and internal quality. It’s created when we know ourselves well enough and feel comfortable enough in who we are as individuals without needing approval from others around us for it.

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