How to improve your public speaking skills 2023

Public speaking skills can be learned, but it takes time and practice. The good news is that many resources are available to help you improve your public speaking skills and become a better speaker.

1. Practice your Skills to Make Perfect

Practice makes perfect, and it also makes you better at public speaking.

By practicing your presentation skills repeatedly (and in different ways), you’ll become familiar with the material you want to communicate to your audience.

It will help reduce anxiety or fear of being on stage or in front of a group of people who may not know all the facts about what they are seeing or hearing.

Practice helps build confidence in speaking up publicly because when someone has confidence when talking their mind, they don’t feel nervous about their abilities as opposed to being afraid of letting others down by making mistakes during speeches/presentations, etc.

2. Read up on what you’re going to say

Reading up on your topic is a great way to increase the quality of your presentation. It’s also a lot of fun!

Read up on what you’re going to say. Please read through the material and ensure it’s accurate, precise, and complete before you go on stage (or into an interview).

Please read up on who your audience is and what it is like or dislike about presentations in general.

It will help you tailor your presentation for its intended audience’s needs rather than yours or any other random person with similar interests as yours who might be watching from home at this very moment (not likely).

Read up on how often people present themselves in public settings think about how often someone talks about themselves at work.

3. Focus on your audience

The important step to improving your public speaking skills is to focus on the audience.

As a speaker, you must know what they need and how they feel about what’s being said.

Understanding their interests and reactions would be best to tailor your message accordingly.

It will help ensure that they are emotionally engaged with what you’re saying and understand why certain things matter more than others in their lives right now.

4. Practice your material so it is familiar when you get on stage

Practice your material so it is familiar when you get on stage. Practice in front of a mirror or someone who can give feedback about how they perceive what you are saying.

Try practicing with friends who know how to provide constructive criticism and encouragement.

You may also want to practice publicly in front of parents or other family members (especially those who influence your social life).

It will help break down anxiety around talking in front of others, which can often feel overwhelming when first starting!

5. Eye Contact while Speaking

Making eye contact with the people listening is essential when speaking in public eye contact with the people attending is essential. It shows them that you’re paying attention to what they say and care about their opinions.

In public speaking, eye contact with the audience is essential if you look at their eyes, not the back of their head or down at their feet. If you have to stop talking for any reason, make sure you don’t do so while looking at something other than the person in front of you (you’re probably not going to want them staring at some random part of your body).

If someone is giving a presentation and needs to make eye contact with people in particular, ask them if they need help keeping track of where they are on stage. It might be helpful for them! People can make good use of this skill in many different ways.

People who make eye contact are perceived as more competent leaders.

Making eye contact with others shows trust, confidence, respect, and attentiveness. It also indicates that you’re listening to what they say and showing them that you care about their point of view.

Eye contact can make people feel more comfortable around you, which makes them more likely to want to share their ideas or ask questions when the time comes for a Q&A session at your next speaking engagement!

When you make eye contact, the listener gets to know your personality

If you are friendly and confident, they can easily trust that you are telling them the truth.

If you don’t look at the audience when making eye contact, they will wonder if what you’re saying is true.

They can tell if someone is lying just by looking into their eyes! Be sure that when speaking in public, it’s ok for everyone present (or at least most) to know there’s nothing wrong with having had a few drinks before coming out tonight it’s just how we were raised.

Making eye contact helps you improve your memory

You may not realize it, but looking at someone’s eyes can help you recall information.

Studies have shown that people who look into each other’s eyes for about 15 seconds have better memories of what was said and done during the conversation than those who don’t make eye contact.

If you’re worried about making a mistake or forgetting something important during your presentation because of a lack of attention to detail.

Look directly into someone’s eyes when speaking with them. It will help reinforce the message being delivered by keeping their focus on what is being said instead of wandering elsewhere while talking!

If you have trouble making eye contact, try looking at the ceiling instead

There are many ways to make eye contact in public speaking. It will help you focus on your words and understand your thoughts.

You can also look at their face or eyes because they will remember them better than anything else about their appearance that night (this includes their makeup or hairstyle).

If someone is speaking too quickly for you to keep up with what they’re saying, place one hand over theirs and use it to slow them down without interrupting their flow of words; this will give you time to think about how best to respond without being rude!

Eye contact is a sign of respect, trust, and confidence. It can also convey warmth and honesty. Making eye contact with someone shows that you are being open and honest about what you’re saying or doing in front of them.

Making eye contact is simple to help you connect with your audience. It’s just one of the many factors in your presentation, but it’s essential.

6. Evaluate your Speaking skill and Record It

You can improve your speaking skills by recording yourself and evaluating your performance. Recording yourself speaking is a great way to do this.

Why is this important?

  • You can improve your public speaking skills.
  • You can learn to speak more effectively.
  • You can learn to speak more fluently and confidently.
  • And with practice, you’ll be able to articulate ideas clearly and concisely!

Record it and listen back.

Now that you’ve recorded yourself listen back. Could you listen with a friend or coach (or family member or therapist)? And don’t stop there! Keep listening until your ear starts to hurt from all the repetition.

What mental errors do you notice?

Mental errors are common but only sometimes obvious. They can be corrected and avoided by being aware of them. Mental errors can be controlled by watching your performance, evaluating yourself in real-time, and monitoring your progress over time.

Record your speaking skills a few times, then listen back to yourself. Evaluate what was said, how it was said, and how effective it was for the audience. Do you need more practice in certain areas? Did you misspeak somewhere or make an error in grammar?

We should all do self-analysis more often, whether it’s to improve ourselves or someone else. The more you analyze your speech, the easier it will be to spot problems and make improvements. If you want to improve your speaking, start by recording yourself and listening back!

7. Voice and Gestures

Public speaking is a skill that develops with practice. This post will discuss how to use your voice and hands effectively for public speaking skills.

Use Your Voice

Speak in a friendly tone. It’s important to speak clearly, but not in a threatening way.

Use a familiar voice when speaking with people close to you or those who know each other well enough (i.e., family members).

It goes for both men and women; both genders should be able to use this skill without difficulty because everyone’s body language speaks louder than anything else when it comes down to communicating with others through speech alone!

Speak clearly! The easiest way for speakers, both native English speakers and non-native learners, to improve their public speaking skills is by practicing using correct grammar throughout every aspect of their presentations: from planning meetings through drafting notes during rehearsal times afterward, even after rehearsing everything once already tonight!

Practice using your voice intelligently

Use a friendly tone. It’s better to be too soft or harsh, and you’ll find that people are likelier to listen if they feel comfortable with you.

In addition, using the correct tone of voice will help make your message more accessible to the audience.

A friendly tone can also help convey that their concerns are being taken seriously by the speaker in front of them, which is important for public speaking.

When people feel listened to and cared about by those speaking at an event or meeting, they’re far more likely to engage with what’s being said.

Practice using your hands for public speaking

As you practice public speaking, use your hands to help you speak.

For example, if a speaker becomes nervous during a critical point in a presentation and stumbles over words or sentences, instead of just looking down at the page as if it were some magical cure-all that can fix everything at once, try using one hand to control the movement of another object (like a pen) so that it doesn’t fall off the table or offstage altogether!

This simple move will give them confidence and help them focus on what they’re saying rather than worrying about whether or not their hands might drop something important onto someone else’s lap.

Using both hands together also helps make eye contact with audience members by keeping both eyes open while focusing on them directly, so they don’t feel like they’re being ignored while talking, which means less chance for embarrassment later on when everyone knows how distractedly boring presentations can get sometimes!

Ensure these techniques aren’t just used during formal speeches; use them whenever possible throughout everyday conversations too!

These tips will help you on your way to becoming a great public speaker. Remember that the goal is to connect with others, so make sure you do your best to be genuine and friendly throughout the process.


Gestures are a great way to show your personality and enthusiasm for the topic. They can also show passion, excitement, confidence, and more!
Gestures are not just limited to speaking; they can also be used when writing or presentations.

Here’s an example: If you’re presenting at a conference with PowerPoint slides (which we’ll talk more about in future tips), try using gestures while talking through each of your slides so that people know what they’re looking at without having any idea how much time has passed since they started listening!

8. Be Yourself

Public speaking can be a difficult task for anyone. It’s challenging for students who have never done it before, and even more difficult if you’re not confident in your speaking skills.

However, with practice and confidence, you’ll be able to overcome those fears and deliver a speech that will leave everyone wanting more!

Let go of the fear of being judged or laughed at

Let go of the fear of being judged or laughed at. You’re not a circus act; you shouldn’t try to be one!

Don’t be afraid of being nervous. Nerves are normal. They’re part of the process. They can be helpful if you properly channel them into something positive.

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and screw up your speech on stage or in front of an audience; this is an opportunity for learning rather than embarrassment! Of course, don’t do anything that would embarrass yourself or others watching, but if it’s funny enough, let it happen!

If you’re nervous about public speaking, practice in front of a mirror until you’re comfortable doing it without unnatural movements.

It’s important to be yourself during your speech

Being yourself is the most important part of being an excellent public speaker. Try not to worry about your speech; go through your normal day-to-day activities and use what you’re doing as an opportunity to practice being friendly, relaxed, confident, and comfortable in front of people.

It’s important to be yourself during your speech for two reasons: first, it will help you relax, and second, your audience will appreciate it. You’ll be able to connect with them more personally when you don’t try to hide any of your weaknesses or insecurities.


This article has given you some ideas for improving your public speaking skills. It will help when you are giving a speech and need to get up in front of an audience. By practicing these tips, you can become a better speaker who is more comfortable talking to others.

What is public speaking skills?

The skills of public speaking are also known as an oratory. They include the ability to speak in front of a group, make speeches, and deliver an address. These skills can help you become successful in any career field, including business, law, politics, and education.

Are public speaking skills necessary?

Yes. Public speaking is one of the most important skills to learn in life. It will help you develop your confidence and make yourself stand out in a crowd.

What are the top characteristics of public speaking?

An effective public speaker will be able to:
1. Ensure that the audience is engaged.
2. Show their knowledge and expertise on a topic.
3. Use body language to express emotions and keep people engaged.
4. Create memorable moments that will help them remember what they have said afterward.

What skills are required for good public speaking?

A good public speaker can effectively communicate with an audience. The skills required for good public speaking include:
1. Memorizing the material and preparing it in advance. It is essential to have memorized the speech to deliver it confidently and on time.
2. Being able to speak extemporaneously. A speaker needs to communicate well spontaneously without any notes or preparation.
3. Being able to project your voice clearly and audibly so that the audience can hear what you are saying clearly.