How to Start a Blog Step By Step Guide 2023

If you’re thinking about start a blog, I’m here to tell you that it’s not as easy as it seems. But don’t let that deter you!

The thing about blogging is that it’s such an integral part of the internet today that many people have started their own blogs without any prior experience.

And if you know what type of content works best for your niche and audience, then once you’ve got some readership on board and maybe even some advertisers you’ll be able to make money from your site!

Why Start a Blog in 2023?

A blog is a great way to share your knowledge and experience, build an audience and generate business.

But how do you start a blog?

What are the benefits of starting one?

And what type of content should you create for your site? We’ll answer all these questions and more in this post.

Define your Purpose

Before you start writing, it is important to have a clear understanding of your purpose. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand and keep things realistic.

Your purpose should be specific: You need to know exactly what outcome or result you want from blogging.

For example, if one of your goals is to build more traffic for your website and increase sales overall, then this can be measured by looking at monthly page views on Google Analytics or other metrics such as social media engagement (likes/shares).

Your purpose should be achievable: If it’s not possible for someone who works full-time as an accountant in Australia with no experience in writing blogs (or whatever other profession), then how are they going to achieve this?

By creating an account with WordPress software which allows anyone with basic HTML skills access!

Benefits of Starting a Blog

There are many benefits of starting a blog:

Build a community of followers

Blogging can help you build a community, which can be valuable when you’re looking for work or need advice.

When people follow your blog, they’ll see all the new posts and know that they’re reading something relevant to them.

They may also share what you write with their friends and family members who might be interested in it as well!

Share your knowledge with others

One way that bloggers earn money from their blogs is by sharing content from other sources on their own sites (for example, writing reviews about products).

This makes readers feel like they’re getting more value out of the site since there are other offerings available at no cost!

Choosing a Blogging Platform in 2023

Choosing a blogging platform can be a challenging task. There are so many options out there, and each has its own set of pros and cons.

If you don’t know where to start or want some help choosing the right one for your needs, this post is for you!

A blogging platform is a tool for building and managing your blog. It’s an all-in-one solution that allows you to create, edit and publish content easily. There are many different types of platforms available:


This open source platform is the most popular choice among bloggers because it has so many features.


You can customize your site with themes, add plugins and widgets, manage content through its RSS feed generator or even install Google Analytics on top of it!

What are the features of a blogging platform?

When you’re choosing a blogging platform, the first thing to consider is the features it offers. A content management system (CMS) is what allows you to easily create and manage your blog posts.A social media management tool is essential for any business that wants a presence on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

Why choose WordPress in 2023?

WordPress is is easy and simple content management system (CMS).
With over 30 million websites running on WordPress, you have a lot of options if you want to build your own site or blog.
WordPress is free and open source, making it accessible to anyone who wants to create an online presence without paying fees up front.
The software was originally designed for bloggers but can also be used for other types of businesses such as ecommerce stores or organizations with social media accounts like Facebook or Instagram.
WordPress also offers some great features that make it easy for anyone who isn’t familiar with coding languages like HTML5/CSS3: drag-and-drop builder pages; theme customization; widget creation; backup & restore functionality (including Google Drive backup); WooCommerce integration so you can sell products through your blog’s store page(s) – all this makes setting up an online presence simple!

Which CMS do you prefer in 2023?

WordPress is best of Blogging 2023

Popular Blogging Platforms to Choose From

Here are the popular blogging platforms that we recommend:


WordPress is a free and open source blogging platform.

It’s the most popular blogging platform in the world, with more than 60 million websites using it to host their blogs and websites.

WordPress is easy to use, maintain and customize for your needs, which makes it an ideal choice for beginners or those who aren’t tech-savvy.

The platform has a large community of developers who can help you customize your website exactly how you want it


Blogger is free and easy to use. You can create a blog in minutes with this tool, but that doesn’t mean it’s limit.

Blogger has lots of templates, which you can choose from or customize as you see fit. You also get access to many default plugins like Google Maps, Flickr photos and video embeds.

You won’t be able to customize any of the template options on Blogger unless you pay for them.

If you want more control over how your site looks, there are some features that are available only in paid plans: custom fonts; custom colors; backgrounds/headers/footers; advanced search functionality; advanced ad management tools like keyword tracking and ad scheduling.


Wix is a free and paid platform that offers customizable templates, easy to use functionality and great for beginners.

The page builder tool allows you to create your website in minutes, making it ideal for bloggers who want to get started quickly without having to spend hours learning how the platform works.

The drag-and-drop functionality makes it easy for users of all skill levels who want an engaging blog or website without having any prior knowledge of coding or web design.

Wix also offers a wide range of other tools such as SEO tools (SEO Analyzer), eCommerce solutions (eCommerce) and more so there’s no need for you not use this platform once you’ve created your first site!


Squarespace is a great option for those who want to start blogging. It has many customization options, and you can use Squarespace’s built-in ecommerce platform to sell anything from t-shirts to candles.

The software is easy to use, but it also comes with a steep learning curve if you’re new to web design or don’t have much experience with HTML code before creating your site.

Squarespace offers dedicated support forums where members can ask questions about how they can customize their website or post images without having any knowledge of coding languages like HTML5 CSS3 or Bootstrap (which are used by designers).

If you’re looking for the most affordable option out there then this may be worth considering!

We hope you found this list helpful. If you have any other suggestions or want to leave a comment, please do! We would love to hear from you.

Choosing a Domain Name and Web Hosting

Choosing a domain name and web hosting are two important decisions in blogging 2023.

The former is the name that identifies your website on the internet, while the latter is what keeps it running.

While these two elements can be confusing at first, we’ve got you covered with this guide on choosing both!

Domain Name

Your domain name is the address of your website. It’s what people type into their browsers to get to your site, and it should be memorable and easy to spell, pronounce, and remember.

  • Choose a name that is easy to spell. If you can’t say it right away (or at all), then don’t choose it!
  • Choose a name that is easy for others around you—including search engines—to remember as well.* Don’t choose an unusual spelling variation or one with words like “exotic” or “sexy.”
  • If you’re worried about this kind of thing: make sure there aren’t enough other sites using similar-sounding names already on Google.

These are website help you to buy domain names:

  1. Namecheap
  2. Godaddy

Types of Web Hosting Services

There are many types of hosting services to choose from, but how do you know which one is best for your site?

The first thing to consider when choosing a web host is whether or not they have the right type of hosting needed.

If you’re looking for a shared web hosting plan, this may not be the best option for you as it will require more work on your end in terms of setting up scripts and plugins that allow visitors to interact with your site.

This could also cause security issues if someone were able to access these files without having permission from their owner (like an employee who has access).

A dedicated server gives off more control over how much bandwidth each customer receives while also allowing them access through SSH instead of HTTP requests so users won’t have any problems accessing their pages regardless if they’re behind firewalls or proxies/NATs (which can sometimes cause problems).

Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is a type of web hosting in which multiple websites share the same server. This can be done through virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, or even cloud computing services.

Best Hosting for startups in 2023



Shared hosting is the most affordable option and it’s also the most popular choice among small businesses and startups because it allows you to get started quickly with little or no upfront costs.

However, there are some downsides to this type of hosting as well:

Shared hosts will not provide you with an easy way to add more RAM or hard drives; therefore if your site grows larger than what your current server can handle then there may be problems with page loading speeds due to limited resources on board.

Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is a type of web hosting that gives you full control over your own server.

This can be especially useful for sites that are large and have high traffic, or if you need to access specific tools or software on the server.

The cost of dedicated hosting is usually higher than shared hosting because it requires more hardware and ongoing maintenance.

You also need to know how to manage your server, as well as how much power and space it needs in order for it to function properly you won’t find any shortcuts here!

VPS Hosting

VPS hosting is a type of web hosting that gives you more control over your environment and allows you to run more applications.

VPS hosting also gives you the option to upgrade your server at any time, so if you have any special requirements for your site (or if it needs more RAM or CPU), then this is the best option for high performance websites.

If your business needs a lot of resources at once—such as large amounts of bandwidth.

Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting, a type of web hosting where your site is hosted on a remote server and managed by the cloud provider, has become increasingly popular in recent years.

The main advantage of cloud hosting is that it’s easy to manage—you don’t need to worry about hardware or software upgrades or management issues.

You also won’t have to deal with downtime when your site goes down, which can be frustrating if you’re using an old computer system instead of one that’s up-to-date with security patches.

Cloud providers offer several different plans for their customers: some may allow you to upgrade or downgrade at any time; others require users who want more storage space or faster speeds (or both) must pay extra money upfront before they’re able to add features such as these into their own accounts.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Web Hosting

Choosing a web hosting provider can be confusing, but it’s important to do your research. There are many factors to consider when choosing a web hosting provider:

  • Budget: How much can you afford? Do you want the most bang for your buck? Or would it be better if the price was lower?
  • Technical Requirements: What kind of hardware and software do I need (or want)? How much RAM capacity do I need on my website?
  • What type of bandwidth should my site receive so that visitors don’t feel bogged down by slow loading times or interrupted downloads.
  • Do I need CDN services like FCDN or Cloudflare because my site needs more traffic than other sites on the same server level plan have been able to handle so far without being throttled back from their maximum potential performance levels due solely based off lack thereof in terms of available resources available within their respective networks.

Setting Up Your Blog

If you’ve been following along with our series of blog posts, you’re well aware that setting up a WordPress site can be a bit overwhelming.

Installing and Configuring WordPress

  • Install WordPress
  • Set up your blog
  • Set up a theme for your site (optional)
  • Set up the permalinks

Creating Pages and Posts

Pages are static pages that contain content such as blog posts and other information. Posts are dynamic, meaning they can change over time by being edited or deleted.

Pages have a single URL, while posts have multiple URLs.

Pages can be used to provide information about your business or services.

Posts can be used to provide information about specific topics.

Customizing Your Blog

  • You can customize the colors and fonts of your blog.
  • Add a header image to the top of your website.
  • Add a background image to either side of your website content area, or to both sides if you want them both onscreen at once.
  • Set up a footer with links back to previous posts, as well as information about what’s coming up next in terms of posts and other content on the site (such as upcoming events).

Creating content is one of the most important things you can do to build your business.

If you don’t have compelling content that people want to read, you will struggle to engage with customers and grow your company.

The best way for businesses to create successful pieces of content is through a content strategy that outlines how they will develop their own unique voice in the world around them; this will help them stand out from other businesses who use similar strategies or ideas but aren’t as effective at connecting with their audience on an emotional level (or vice versa).

Defining your mission

Before you start creating content, it’s important to define your mission.

What is the problem you’re trying to solve?

How will you measure success once you’ve solved this problem or achieved this goal?

How do other people feel about their goals being met?

When it comes to fitness and weight loss, there are two main types of people: those who want the quick fix and those who want long term results. The former group tends toward short-term goals (like losing 10 pounds) and doesn’t have time for anything more ambitious than that; they just need something easy so they can start feeling better as quickly as possible. The latter group wants something more substantial—they’re willing to commit themselves fully because they understand how important health really is in life and want their bodies back once again so they can live up full potentials physically, mentally (and emotionally), spiritually…you name it!

So what does this mean when considering our own personal fitness journey? Well first off – don’t worry about anyone else’s definition of success! You know yourself best so set goals based on what will work best for YOU rather than following someone else’s lead blindly! Then after setting some pretty specific short term ones like losing 10 pounds within 3 months time frame then move onto setting longer term ones like maintaining healthy habits throughout adulthood until reaching retirement age at 65 years old whereupon one still continues living comfortably but becomes active again by engaging in physical activities such as walking around town or jogging around neighborhood parks etcetera

Creating your content strategy

Your content strategy should be developed in light of your blog goals, budget, and audience.

If you want to create an email marketing campaign for your website visitors that converts more visitors into customers and leads, then you need to define the following:

  • Your target audience (e.g., who are they?)
  • What are their interests/needs? (e.g., what problem do they have?)
  • How will they find out about your product or service (e.g., search engine optimization)?

Selecting the right topic

Selecting the right topic is an important part of creating content.

It can be difficult to choose a topic that you’re passionate about and will write about for years, but it’s also important not to write about something too broad or niche-specific.

If you’re writing an article on how many people use Twitter every day in Japan, then it might make sense to include information on how people use Twitter in other countries as well—but if your audience is only interested in Japanese culture and language learners, then focusing solely on this one country wouldn’t be helpful at all (and may even make them feel excluded).

The best way I’ve found for choosing topics is by asking myself questions like

“What would my readers need help with today?”

“What do I know about the industry/topic?”

“What am I curious about?”

These answers help me narrow down my choices so that all that remains are topics that really interest me personally before moving forward with anything else.

Developing a writing process

The first step in writing a blog post is to develop a process.

You should understand the steps involved in this process and how they fit together.

This will help you stay organized, which means that you’ll be able to get your work done faster and more efficiently.

Your writing process should include:

  • Developing an outline for the post (including sections or paragraphs)
  • Drafting and editing your draft(s) until it meets standards of quality for publication (or whatever else your company may require).
  • Proofreading before publishing

Preparing visual content

Content is king, and visual content is the queen. Visual content is more engaging, more likely to be shared and easier for people to digest.

It can be used in multiple formats—from static images to videos and infographics—and it’s often found on social media platforms where you want your audience to see it first (Facebook News Feed).

In addition, visual content has a big advantage over written text: It can be used in multiple places!

For example, if you want people at work or school who don’t follow your brand on Instagram or Twitter but do follow you elsewhere online like LinkedIn or Facebook Messenger then there’s no reason why they shouldn’t see some of those posts on their phones too!

If you want to be successful in your business, you need to create content that is valuable and useful

A content strategy is a plan for creating and publishing high-quality original, valuable content that directly contributes to your business goals.

It’s important because it helps you identify what kind of content you need, when you need it and how much time and effort it will take to produce the right amount of quality output each month.

It’s also important because having a solid strategy means that you can easily manage all aspects of your online presence—from social media engagement through SEO optimization—so that each piece of work contributes in its own way toward achieving your goals.

A content calendar helps keep track of deadlines as well as any other tasks related specifically towards creating new pieces of marketing collateral (like blog posts).

Promoting Your Blog

Blogging is a great way to build your brand and reach new customers. But it takes more than just writing a blog post, posting it on social media, and hoping for the best.

You need to promote your content in order to get people to come back and read more. Here are some strategies that can help amplify the reach of your blog:

Leveraging Social Media

The best way to promote your blog is through social media.

Social media is an effective tool for building relationships with other bloggers and promoting your site, but it’s also a great place to network with other people who are interested in what you do.

If you’re not currently using social networks for this purpose, I encourage you to consider doing so—it could be worth the investment!

Use Facebook as a means of building relationships and developing referrals. In addition to being able to post links directly from your website (which will help increase traffic).

Facebook also allows you to send messages and updates straight from your timeline (or wall) into the email inboxes of potential readers who might have taken an interest in reading more about what you have written or doing business with yourself based on their interests.

This method can be especially beneficial if there isn’t much interaction between both parties outside of posting comments on each other’s posts.

However, it may require some extra effort at first because most people aren’t yet accustomed enough yet has high expectations regarding professionalism when communicating with others online which makes getting started difficult initially but worth every minute spent working towards achieving success!

Building an Email List

You can use your blog to build an email list.

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow a business, and if you have a blog with followers, it’s easy to build an email list.

To start building your email list, ask people who follow your blog if they would be interested in receiving emails from you.

Be sure to offer something valuable in exchange for their information (like free resources or discounts).

Then send personalized emails that include links back to where people can sign up for more information on what you’re doing or where they can go if they don’t want any more emails from you — but still want access!

Networking with Other Bloggers

Networking with other bloggers is one of the best ways to get your name out there and find new readers.

You can do this by joining a group, forum or community dedicated to blogging, or speaking at conferences and events related to blogging.

If you’re just starting out as a blogger, it’s important that you find people who are also writing about similar topics.

For example: if you write about fashion online then there should be others who are interested in fashion too!

Another way to connect with other bloggers is through collaborations on projects together.

You might want someone else’s opinion on something specific such as how much traffic they get per day or what kind of posts seem popular among readership so that they know what types of things might work well for them too.

You can amplify the reach of your blog

Social media is a great way to reach new readers and build an email list, but it’s not the only way to get more eyes on your content.

The key is to network with other bloggers in your niche who have audiences similar to yours and share some content together (or even just exchange links).

It’s also important that you’re posting consistently—if people aren’t seeing new posts consistently they’ll stop following you or visiting regularly.

The key takeaway here is that you can leverage your blog in a number of ways to amplify the reach of your content.

While there are many strategies and tactics, we want to offer some general advice for those who are just getting started with their social media accounts: focus on building relationships with people who look like potential readers of your blog, and create an email list from which you can share content and promote products.

When it comes time for marketing yourself as well as promoting other people’s work, use Instagram Stories or other features to show off interesting things happening around town (like when doves release doves at sunset). If all else fails, get creative!

Monetizing Your Blog

One of the best ways to monetize your blog is through affiliate marketing.

If you’ve ever bought an item from Amazon, then you know that they have a referral program where they will pay you when someone makes a purchase through your link.

There are many other ways you can get paid for promoting other people’s products on your blog as well:

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the practice of working with companies to promote their products and services.

When you use affiliate links, your readers will see a link on your blog or website that leads them straight to the product’s page. If they click through, you’ll earn a commission for every sale that results from their visit.

This model can be particularly effective if you have a large audience and know what kind of content works best for them (e.g., tips on how to make money using social media).

The key here is targeting: while there are many different kinds of affiliate programs out there, some focus more heavily on specific niches than others do—and knowing where those niches lie could help guide your decision-making process when it comes time for promoting products through yours!

Sponsored Posts

Write an article that is relevant to your readers.

Create a list of companies you would like to sponsor your blog.

Contact the companies and negotiate a deal.

Write the sponsored post, include links to their products in the article, then submit it for publication!

Selling Products

Selling your own products is the simplest way to monetize your blog.

You can use a store like Shopify or WooCommerce and make sure that you have all of the necessary features, such as shipping and payment options, in place before launching your site.

We’ve discussed a few different ways you can monetize your blog, but the most important thing to keep in mind is that it’s a long-term strategy.

You want to make these changes slowly and deliberately, so that you can get the hang of things before making any major changes.

The best way to do this is by experimenting with different methods first and seeing which ones work well for you before diving into them full time – this will give you time to learn more about affiliate marketing, sponsored posts or selling products on Amazon!